Space Estimator Help Section | Metro Storage

Space Estimator Help Section

Locations Options

To create a box for a selected location page, e.g. you should use a code like:

The 1 after type indicates the type of the space estimator box, which is the ID seen at: 

The 1 after location indicates the location of Artarmon which is the ID seen at:

Boxes with selected storage type


To use selected storage type you should use a code like:

The number after storage_type can either be:
1 for Business
2 for Household

Combining Both Location and Storage Type

You can also combine both with a code like:

How to use the snippets

To make these space estimators and options display at different pages, following the instructions above for creating the snippet, simply copy and paste that into the CMS page manager page and position you wish it to appear on.


In this section you can create new space estimator types, e.g. house, van, truck, etc.

  • Click Add
  • Enter a Title
  • Enter a description (this is shown on the front end)
  • Upload an image
  • Click save


You can add/edit each estimator type here.

  • Type - the space estimator type
  • The Location
  • Count - e.g. the number of bedrooms the user can select from
  • Space - the size of the space. This is free text and does not calculate anything.
  • Price - the price range. This is free text and does not calculate anything.
  • Description - the description the end user will see.

'Items' column means items count displayed over the type image.

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